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Mistakes You Don't Want Happening When Using Any Type Of Thread Gage

If you're going to be using thread gages to analyze pitches on different things, such as screws, then you want to be careful with these instruments. You'll have a better time using them over the years if you know about these mistakes to avoid. 

Not Washing Hands Properly Before Using Gage

Thread gages may look really durable and most of them are, but they can become flawed if contaminants get on them. It's your role to keep this from happening and that starts with how you wash your hands. You need to put together a proper hand-washing protocol before any thread gage is picked up.

This is the most effective way to keep contaminants — such as oil and dirt — from getting on the gages and preventing them from satisfying their intended role. Thorough hand-washing with strong chemicals can keep you out of trouble with this potential issue.

Not Utilizing Maintenance Training

Thread gages may seem like simple components, but they do have to be maintained in a lot of different ways. You don't want to forgo maintenance training just because you think you know how to care for them correctly. That could cause thread damage.

You should utilize maintenance training with thread gages even if you feel like you know what care steps to perform. Then you can add to your existing knowledge and keep your thread gages better protected over the years. If you have workers that will be using thread gages, you want them using this maintenance training as well.

Not Caring About Precision

One of the most important factors of using any type of thread gage is precision. You need to have it in order to check fasteners or openings with threads correctly. If you don't care about precision and just let it fall by the wayside with your thread gages, then they won't do their job and you'll run into a bunch of future issues.

Maintaining precision with your thread gages should always be a top priority and you can do this in a lot of ways. For example, cleaning and lubricating your thread gages will help them maintain their precision.

Any time thread gages are relied upon, knowing how to care and use them will help you get the most out of these instruments. Part of this involves learning about pitfalls that can happen with thread gages, regardless of size and materials. Then you'll be fully prepared to maintain the amazing qualities that thread gages have. 
