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Do You Need An Emergency Boiler Rental? 3 Mistakes To Avoid

Buying a boiler can be costly. Besides the initial cost, you also have to dig deeper into your pocket for transportation, storage, and maintenance of the system. One of the best ways to save money if you have a project that needs a boiler is to rent one. However, while the boiler rental company covers most boiler-related costs, the success of your rental relies solely on your decisions. When renting an emergency boiler, you do not want to make the following mistakes.

1. Wrong Boiler Selection

One benefit of renting a boiler is that you will have a wide variety of boilers to choose from. However, keep in mind that these boilers cannot meet all operational needs. You must consider your project requirements and pick a size that will efficiently meet your needs. Otherwise, you could end up with a small or big boiler, which is not financially viable. You might also want to inquire about the boilers' efficiency to ensure you are getting an energy-efficient boiler to save money on your energy bills.  

Also, check the age of the emergency boiler. You do not want to rent an old boiler that could break down easily. It is equally important to consider the fuel source. Do you want a coal or natural gas boiler? When you offer these details to the rental company, they can help you pick the right boiler for your project.

2. Skipping on Storage Plans

A boiler can only work efficiently if its storage space is adequately prepared. Yes, a boiler needs ample space for installation and connection failure to which you won't get the most of it, and you can even expose your employees to injuries. Are all the laid connections working properly? You might want to have them inspected before you bring in the emergency boiler. You could even ask the rental company to come to your site. They have seen many other sites and may suggest an idea to maximize production while keeping risks minimal.

3. Failing to Plan the Rental Schedule

Boiler rental companies are ready to offer boilers whenever you need them. However, do not get over-excited and go for one without planning your rental schedule. The overall rental cost does not just cover the actual boiler and maintenance. It also factors in the length of time you stay with the emergency boiler. Therefore, you must plan ahead of the rental to avoid project delays and unnecessary expenses.

If you need an emergency boiler, you should avoid the above mistakes at all costs. Most importantly, it would be in your interest to work with a professional boiler rental company—such as Nationwide Boiler. They will go out of their way to make the rental process a breeze. 
