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How To Find The Best Bagged Ice Supply For Your Seafood Market

When you have a seafood market, customers want to see two important things as they shop: freshness and safe display methods. Keeping seafood at a very cold temperature while also laying out the filets, scallops, and shrimp on display can be a challenge. However, arranging the seafood on a bed of ice works out very well.

You get to offer shoppers a view of the fresh seafood so they can evaluate different cuts and products, but also keep foods cold and ensure customers visibly see the food is being kept cold. Therefore, having access to a good bagged ice supply can be vital for business. Check out these tips to track down the best bagged ice supply company for your seafood market.  

Look for a supplier close to your business

The closer the bagged ice supply company is to your seafood market, the quicker you will have access to bagged ice when needed. If you have a substantial storage space to house ice, you may not need to place orders as frequently. Therefore, distance will not be a big deal. However, if you are working with limited ice storage space, it will likely be better to search for a nearby supplier. 

Find a supplier that offers high-quality ice 

Whenever searching for a bagged ice supplier, always look into the quality of the ice they provide. The ice will be in direct contact with your fresh seafood. Therefore, it will important that you have ice that is from a clean source and has been properly handled to negate issues with contaminants. Several factors can affect the quality of bagged ice cubes, including: 

  • The source of water the ice is created from 
  • The cleanliness of the ice-making facility 
  • The supplier's handling processes during bagging 

When you start researching different suppliers, be sure to ask about these details and others to make sure you are getting clean, high-quality ice. 

Track down a bagged ice supply company that offers delivery 

Finding a supplier that can deliver bagged ice as needed will mean you can place an order for ice and typically get your order within a short period. When you face higher temperatures or have an especially large display, you may need to have ice delivered as quickly as possible, and, you may not always have time to go and pick up an ice order. Having access to delivery will simplify keeping your stock of bagged ice where it needs to be. 

Reach out to a bagged ice supplier to learn more.
